What Is Recommended For Pain Management Medium And Long-Term?

pain management

Pain Management Tips from Nicali Sports Medicine of Pasadena CA

Ice and Heat Treatment:

Application of ice packs or cold treatment to the affected areas reduces inflammation and prevents the pain. Treatment with warm compresses or heating pads relaxes muscles and promotes blood flow. Use ice and heat alternately according to your condition.

Maintain Good Posture:

Poor posture can contribute to the experience of pain and discomfort. Practice good posture throughout the day, whether sitting, standing, or walking. Keep your shoulders relaxed, your spine aligned, and avoid slouching or hunching over.

Stretching and Exercise:

Stretch several times daily and exercise regularly per your chiropractor’s prescription. Many patients find flexibility is increased with regular stretching, and exercises help strengthen muscles that contribute to proper alignment. Isometric exercises are best, as the direct application of force to bones will provide no benefit in the healing process.

Adjust the Ergonomic Aspects of your Workspace:

whether in your office desk, PC setting, or driving position, ensure that your chair, keyboard, and monitor are well aligned so that you can always remain in neutral posture with minimal body strain.

Mindful Movement:

Become aware of your body movement. Be cautious especially in lifting heavy objects or other types of physical activity. Bend your knees and raise the objects with your legs instead of with your back, and avoid jerky movements which can stress your muscles and joints.

Stress Management Techniques:

Stress can cause muscle tension and exacerbate aches. You can practice stress management techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or engaging in activities that help you relax and unwind.

Proper Sleep and Rest:

Quality sleep will aid the body’s healing and recuperating process. Use pillows that support the body while positioning the body at its best while sleeping on them. It is also crucial to find comfortable sleeping positions that will not allow the body to be in pain and let it rest.


People need to stay hydrated for general good health, and proper hydration helps maintain healthy tissues and joints. Hydrate adequately throughout the day to support your body’s intrinsic healing cycles.

Seek Chiropractic Care as Advised by your Chiropractor:

Stick to attending a recommended chiropractic care plan and scheduling. Attending consistently and following through on your plan can optimize your pain management and your overall rehabilitation.

Remember, these are general tips and may vary with your condition. The best possible procedure is to visit a licensed chiropractor or healthcare provider well informed about your condition and give you personalized advice and guidance with your own special requirements.